Leaders of the tribe

Devon Tilly
visionary + leader

Devon Tilly has taken over the Ranch from Greg Gebben and is honored to lead the efforts of the grounds! Devon owns Mountain View Window & Door and Art of Construction and uses these grounds as the showcase for the people and products who make the businesses work!

Greg Gebben

The legend who bought it in 1980 and set the fabric of what it is today! Devon Tilly's father in law who has mentored and coached him to take over the best place on earth!

Sarah Tilly
Hostess with the mostess!
The original Ranch Princess! Greg Gebbens daughter and Devon's wife. With support from Judy Gebben the brains behind the operation!

Eva Tilly
ranch princess
Devon and Sarahs daughter who is the 3rd generation leader of FUN!
art of construction master facilitators
construction masterminds working together to build better builds!
NOT the MFers that many people think of when it comes to Construction!